vetrox, glass scratch, glass repair, glass scratch removal, damaged glass, nano, glass protection, safety glass, LSG, glazing, glazed, IG

The competent solution for on-the-spot repair and removal of scratches on all glass surfaces!


Nano coating of glass

10 good reasons at a glance:


> dirt and water repellant is as a self-cleaning effect

> less cleaning because it stays clean longer

> long-term protection against the weather

> prevents the glass from aging, wathering and leaching

> enhances the look of the building

> saves on cleaning costs in the long run:

  • 100 % longer intervals between cleaning
  •   50 % less cleaning costs
  •   50 % less expenses for crane or scaffolding
  •   50 % less cleaning materials
vetrox, nano, nanobeschichtung, selbstreinigend, wasserabweisend, Nano Technologie, Nano Versiegelung, Enduro Shield
vetrox, glass scratch, glass repair, glass scratch removal, damaged glass, nano, glass protection, safety glass, LSG, glazing, glazed, IG
vetrox, glass scratch, glass repair, glass scratch removal, damaged glass, nano, glass protection, safety glass, LSG, glazing, glazed, IG
vetrox, glass scratch, glass repair, glass scratch removal, damaged glass, nano, glass protection, safety glass, LSG, glazing, glazed, IG

Nano coating halves cleaning costs and offers long-term protection!


Contact us:

+49 89 700 740 070

Contact us:

We will provide

a non-binding


free of charge!

vetrox, glass scratch, glass repair, glass scratch removal, damaged glass, nano, glass protection, safety glass, LSG, glazing, glazed, IG

© 2017 VETROX GmbH

Die kompetente Lösung zur Instandstellung von eingebauten Glasoberflächen vor Ort